Upgrade your leadership - but make sure your KPI's follow the same path

January 29, 2019

Upgrade your leadership, but make sure your KIP’s follow the same path

Vision and purpose driven leadership is growing, with the digital transformation as a strong motivator. Leaders become orchestrators rather than controlling bosses, with the ability to manage opportunities and risks, make fast decisions, manage competence and encourage innovation.

From experience, I know measurements sometimes can ruin a new leadership strategy, because the KPI’s are still based in the former version of leadership. This puts the leader in a very confusing situation. To foster and encourage new leadership behaviors, the organization need to let go of traditional measurements and try out new ones.

An orchestrating leader need to be measured on his/her ability to judge risk and opportunity, fast decision making, gather the right competencies, problem solving and maybe most important – lead with vision and purpose.

These results cannot be found in the balance sheet directly, but indirect in the customer experience and in the team performance. Can this be handled by AI or be visible in collected data? Most likely AI can manage this in the future, and maybe it already is?